释义 |
谷轴 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?河谷轴线 ... valley ==> 川地,谷,谷值,流域,河谷,屋顶排水沟,凹部,凹陷 valley axis ==> 河谷轴线 valley basin ==> 谷盆 ...
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Nearly 80,000 led lights, all produced by Shanghai manufacturers, have been installed on the six Sun Valley pillars in the Expo Axis. 据上海广茂达灯光景观工程公司的技术人员介绍,他们已在世博轴的6个阳光谷安装了近8万个LED灯。 - 2
The principle component analysis and face bray center are used to detect the symmetry axis, and the valley method is applied to detect and verify the eye candidates. 首先利用主分量分析法和人脸重心确定人脸对称轴,再结合山谷法进行眼睛候选点的提取和验证。 - 3
Sun Valley of Expo Axis applies free-form design idea, which is reticulated shell structure with bolt connection joint. 上海世博会世博轴阳光谷采用自由形态设计理念,是一种采用栓接节点的网壳结构。