... 钢架坝 steel frame dam 支架坝 trestle dam 框架 [建筑] frame; framing; shell frame; skeleton frame; frame mount; trellis; sash; pigsty(e); rack; armature (塑像骨架) 钢筋混凝土框架 reinforced concrete frame; 建筑物的框架 the frame of a building; 铁制的框架 iron frames; 飞船的框架是用轻而坚固的金属制成的。 the frame of an airship is made of light but strong metal. 我们把那幅画装入框架。 we frame up that picture.; 框架板 frame plate; 框架构造 belfry; 框架构筑 framing; 框架基础 frame foundation; 框架建筑 framed building; 框架结构 frame construction; skeleton [framed] structure; 框架锯 [设计] buhl saw; frame saw; 框架开间 case bay ...