...),它由140多个小岛组成,其中有5个有人居住,分别是圣玛丽(St Mary's,面积最大,为4平方英里/6.3公里)、特雷斯科(Tresco)、圣马丁(St Martin's)、圣艾格尼丝(St Agnes)和布莱赫(Bryher)。
... 名字: Tresco 姓: Michelle 标签: Michelle Tresco ...
At the boat dock at New Grimsby Quay I set out in the direction of the family seat, Tresco Abbey.
BBC: The last piece of England
The candidates on St Agnes, Tresco and Bryher have all been elected unopposed.
BBC: Election 2013: Isles of Scilly in for fascinating poll
Tresco is certainly the only place in the Scilly Islands where you might find the air alive with sporting rifle fire.