释义 |
1 ?吉田茂 当第9条是否能被解释为允许自卫队之外的武装力量的保持的问题在制宪会议上被讨论时,当时的首相吉田茂(Yoshida Shigeru)明确地排除了这种可能。
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Taro Aso's grandfather, Shigeru Yoshida, and father-in-law, Zenko Suzuki, were both Prime Ministers of Japan. 麻生太郎的外祖父吉田茂和岳父铃木善幸都出任过日本首相。 - 2
His grandfather was Shigeru Yoshida, a prime minister who laid the foundations for Japan's post-war recovery. 麻生的外祖父吉田茂在任首相期间为日本战后振兴打下了基础。 - 3
Mr Aso, a Catholic, is the grandson of Shigeru Yoshida, a former prime minister (seated above; the young Mr Aso is standing in the centre) and as blue-blooded as they come. 麻生先生,是一名天主教徒,他是前首相吉田茂的外孙(上图照片中端坐者为吉田茂;站在中间的孩子就是幼时的麻生),与他的爷爷一样都是含着银勺子出生的贵胄子弟。