释义 |
1 ?读卖新闻 保守派的读卖新闻(Yomiuri Shimbun),号称每日发行高达1350万份早晚报。 2 ?读卖消息 ...卫队饰演越发重要的脚色,该公约划定日本由美国来掩护,来由是美国预算受到制约, 此次研讨会是由《读卖消息》(Yomiuri Shimbun)赞助的,这一设法获得了美国的拥护,集团自卫权是指一个国度在友军受到进攻时有权对敌方举办反击。 3 ?読売新闻 [4] The biggest-selling newspapers are the right-wing Yomiuri Shimbun (読売新闻) and the left-leaning Asahi Shimbun (朝日新闻), [5] while one of most widely read magazines is FRUiTS, a monthly guide ...
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According to a recent poll in the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper, half of Japan's public supports neither party. 根据最近的“读卖新闻”上的民意测验,半数日本民众对两党都不支持。 - 2
A farmer drains milk into a pit in Iitate, in Fukushima, northeastern Japan, in this photo taken by Yomiuri Shimbun on March 23, 2011. 2011年3月23日,日本东北部福岛县饭舘市。 由《读卖新闻》拍摄的这张照片显示了一名农民在向地里倾倒牛奶。 - 3
A recent survey found Japanese high school students lack self-confidence compared to their overseas counterparts, Yomiuri Shimbun reported. 据日本《读卖新闻》报道,近期一项调查显示,与国外的中学生相比,日本中学生自信心不足。