释义 |
1 ?育亨宾树皮 ..., 维他命B-5, 维他命B-6, 维他命E,综合植物固醇 ( Phytosterol Complex ), 锯棕榈提炼剂,本威而钢--育亨宾树皮 (yohimbe bark), 锌等对男人身体最有益的营养分。并可提高性能力。
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Minor side effects of taking yohimbe bark include upset stomach, vomiting, irregular sleep patterns, elevated blood pressure, headaches, irritability, skin rashes, and rapid heartbeat. 使用育亨宾树树皮引起的轻微副作用包括:胃部不适、呕吐、睡眠不规律、高血压、头痛、亢奋、皮疹以及心跳加快。 - 2
Too much yohimbe, a bark from a West African evergreen tree, can kill you, which is not the kind of stiffness most guys are after. 服用太多的育亨宾(西非一种常青树树皮)会使人致命,不是多数人所追求的那种硬度。