释义 |
1 ?测宽仪 测宽仪常见问题及分析 - 技术疑难 - 中厚板,不锈钢中厚板,钢板,中厚板价格,中厚板规格,中厚板行业 - 中厚板网 关键词:测宽仪;技术;测量;图像 [gap=561]Keywords: width gauge;techn ology;measurement;image 2 ?宽度计 ... width(wdth)宽度 width gauge宽度计 width of groove轧槽宽度、孔型宽度 ... 3 ?测宽 红外测宽技术及其在热轧带钢宽度检测中的应用 - 技术交流 - 中厚板,不锈钢中厚板,钢板,中厚板价格,中厚板规格,中厚板行业 - 中厚板网 关键词 :测宽; 红外线; CCD [gap=737]Key words :Width gauge; infrared ray; CCD
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The principle of measurement and the hardware & software structure about the width gauge GCK-IIA with two cameras installed vertically with full field of vision are introduced in the article. 文章介绍了双摄像头全视场垂直安装的GCK -IIA型光电测宽仪的测量原理及软硬件构成。 - 2
The influence of the crevice width to the gauge output was also tested, the response of jump test was obtained. 实验还测定了间距大小对磁探针输出信号的影响,给出了磁探针对阶跃实验的响应波形。 - 3
Materials commonly used include copper, asphalt, plastic, rubber, composition, and combinations of these materials, Bid the gauge of thickness and width specified. 常用物料有铜、沥青、塑料、橡胶混合而成,和投标指定的厚度和阔度。