... 名字: Warthen 姓: Edward 标签: Edward Warthen ...
... 地址: 318 Warthen Ln 城市: Warthen 所属州: GA ...
... 标签: Ronnie May 地址说明: Ln 街道地址: Warthen ...
Warthen cited an ASMI study that found that once pitchers begin throwing on an arc, their mechanics change.
WSJ: Mets' Pitchers of the Future Need to Stay Healthy
Collins and pitching coach Dan Warthen have a schedule for Francisco to meet.
WSJ: Francisco hurt, leaving Mets' bullpen in flux
He chuckled with Dan Warthen, the pitching coach, about a member of the staff who tends to dawdle on the mound.
NEWYORKER: Madoff??s Curveball