5 GB/T 15969.1--2007/IEC 61131-1:2003 b) 暖重新启动(warm restart) 电源故障后的重新启动,由用户预先编程设置的一组剩余(remnant)数据,以及由系统预先确 定的应用程序上下文。
EXtreme Scale, therefore, brings significant benefit during a warmrestart.
因此,eXtreme Scale在热启动期间带来了巨大的效益。
You can use the device's Throttle Settings to temporarily slow down request processing or to perform a warmrestart, which recaptures memory in this situation.
You can use the device's Throttle Settings to temporarily slow down request processing or to perform a warmrestart, which recaptures file system space in situations of reduced free space.