释义 |
1 ?暖管 蒸汽管道暖管过程管道对固定支座的冲击 _暖通空调在线 关键词:蒸汽管道,暖管,弹性固定支座,冲击力, [gap=727]Keywords:steam pipeline,warming pipe,elastic fixed support,impact force, 2 ?加热管 ... furnace warming 炉子加温 warming pipe 加热管 warming shot 预热枪管射击...
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Through the pipe sample cutting and analyzing the crack in the fillet weld between the hot reheat pipe and the warming pipe, it was found out that the cause of the crack is due to the thermal fatigue. 通过对再热热段至低旁暖管管道角焊缝上裂纹的解剖分析,其原因是热疲劳裂纹引起的。 - 2
The hot water from the street runs through them, warming the groundwater, before returning to the surface via another pipe. - 3
In this paper, a new house warming model, the PEX pipe cryogenic hot water floor radiation warming system, is introduced with a engineering example. 结合工程实例说明建筑采暖采用PEX管交联聚乙烯低温热水地板辐射供暖系统是一种即节能舒适、又便于施工的新型采暖方式。