释义 |
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Modern large-mouthed snakes, such as boas and anacondas, can eat large prey because their jaw joints are positioned well behind their skulls, allowing the snakes to open their mouths very wide. 现代阔口蛇,像蟒蛇和水蟒,能吃大的猎物是因为它们的颌关节恰位于头骨的后面,能使蛇的嘴张得非常宽。 - 2
Before, he had been a sober, industrious individual, well respected and destined for success. Afterwards, he was a foul-mouthed drunkard, a drifter and a failure. 在此之前,他还是一个从不饮酒过量的、勤奋的人;但是事故发生后就变成了一个满口污言秽语的酒鬼、一个流浪汉、一个失败的人。 - 3
Of his face, Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote: "is as ugly as sin, long-nosed, queer-mouthed, and with uncouth and rustic, though courteous manners, corresponding very well with such an exterior." 有关梭罗的脸,纳撒尼尔·霍桑如此描写道(梭罗)简直丑得罪过,鼻子长,嘴巴怪,笨拙且粗俗,然而他彬彬有礼却和这样的外表很好地相互映衬。