

单词 vaccination program
vaccination program
  • 简明释义
  • 疫苗接种程序,接种规划
  • 网络释义
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    鉴定和挑选持续感染动物 Identify persistently infected animals and cull 免疫程序 Vaccination program 用于未怀孕牛 Use in non-pregnant cattle ..

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    稚鱼之免疫时间及 免疫计画 ( vaccination program )需经了解稚鱼免疫系统之发 育,并需待其成熟后方得免疫.

  • 双语例句
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    The foremost recommendation is to discuss the vaccination program with your veterinarian. Don't be hesitant to ask questions about the pros and cons of vaccinations.
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    Despite an ever increasing array of antimicrobial agents and an expanding vaccination program, infectious diseases remain an important cause of morbidity and mortality in children.
  • 3
    Smallpox had caused millions of deaths and much suffering for centuries, but once the agency set out to eradicate it, WHO personnel traveled the world to conduct a massive vaccination program.
    这个致命的传染病,曾夺走了数百万人的生命,并带来许多苦难。 但是WHO展开根除天花的计划,服务范围无远弗届;只要有人居住的地方,都有专人将牛痘疫苗送达该处。




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