释义 |
1 ?竖井通道 Medusa和DevilsTower除双支撑式结构外,还呈圆周对称分布着一对竖井通道(Access Shaft),结构略显复杂。 2 ?竖井神道 ... 两部神道 ryōbu shint 竖井神道 access shaft 神道探矿所 diviner ... 3 ?进人竖井 ... 进人气闸 man lock 进人竖井 access shaft; access well 蜗壳进人门 spiral case man door ...
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It provides access to a large-cross section of a well, instead of just a narrow, vertical shaft. - 2
There is no need to lift the shaft, or obtain access to the shaft ends, therefore expensive and awkward to handle lifting equipment is not required. 没有必要取消骨干,或获得轴两端,因此昂贵和尴尬的处理起重设备并不是必需的。 - 3
If the cracks or split off shaft can take when welding, welding or CALCINED access, and then by tempering, to grinding turning. 如若泵轴裂缝或拆断时,可采取焊补,焊接或煅接,再经回火、车削研磨即可。