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1 ?无关的 ... unbothered 无关的 不相干的 unbothered 无关的,不相干的 unbound document 未加装订的文献 单篇文献资料 ...
- 1
He smiles. His long, thin fingers are folded in his lap, and he looks as light and unbothered as a cloud. 他微笑着,又长又瘦的手指交叉着放在腿上,他看上去轻松而又无牵无挂,就像天上的云彩。 - 2
Aerial units or cliffjumping Reapers make the best raiders, as they are unbothered by most terrain, and you can hit your target from its least defended area. 空中单位和能越过悬崖的死神能作出最好的偷袭,因为他们不受大部分地形的干扰,并且你能够在对方防御最薄弱的区域攻击目标。 - 3
Just looking around my own apartment, I can see the value in furniture that's gone unruined, cats that have gone unbothered, and a distinct lack of toys cluttering up my floor. 但是没有孩子的好处是显而易见的,只要环顾一下我的公寓,我看到家具没有被小孩子破坏的痕迹,没有小孩子的打扰,没有满地的玩具。