In a clear trend, RDBMS vendors, unwilling to give up market share to NXDs, offer their own fully fledged but well-integrated XML solutions to answer the needs of their customers.
目前的趋势很明显,RDBMS 供应商不愿意把市场份额让给 NXD,它们会提供完全成熟而且更全面的 XML 解决方案,以此满足客户的需要。
Support Gluecode SE's user management via web console, as well the full-fledged Geronimo container managed security.
支持通过 Web 控制台进行的 Gluecode SE 的用户管理,以及功能齐全的 Geronimo 容器管理安全性。
From its locked door, the walls of bright color as well as the full-fledged sculptures, we can vaguely see its important position of the ancient shrine.