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traumatic subdural hygroma 外伤性硬膜下水肿 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?外伤性硬膜下积液 高压氧治疗外伤性硬膜下积液40例疗效分析 06-08-28 摘要:外伤性硬膜下积液(traumatic subdural hygroma,TSH)又称硬膜下水瘤,常继发于轻型和中型颅脑外伤,单纯药物治疗积液吸收缓慢,完全吸收困难。 2 ?伤性硬脑膜下积液 ...伤性硬脑膜下积液钻孔和脑室镜疗效对比报告 作者: 罗庆勇, 邹国荣, 熊志强, 创伤性硬脑膜下积液(traumatic subdural hygroma,TSH)在临床上并不少见,病因是颅脑外伤后引起脑脊液积聚于硬脑膜下腔. 3 ?收治外伤性硬膜下积液 ...: 外伤性硬膜下积液 临床转归 预后 【正文快照】: 我院2000年5月—2008年5月收治外伤性硬膜下积液(traumatic subdural hygroma,TSH)347例,对其转归报告如下。 4 ?外伤性硬膜下水瘤 ...ural effusion,TSE)是指颅脑创伤后,各种原因导致的硬脑膜下间隙脑脊液的聚积,又称外伤性硬膜下水瘤(traumatic subdural hygroma,TSH),是闭合性颅脑损伤的一种特殊病理类型,可分为消退型,稳定型,进展型,演变型[1],通常进展型需手术治...
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Objective:To investigate the efficacy of treatments in patients with traumatic subdural hygroma. - 2
Aim: To raise definitive diagnostic rate in early stage of diagnosing acute traumatic subdural hygroma (ATSH) on CT and deepen recognition of the ATSH. 目的:加深对外伤性急性硬膜下积液(atsh)的认识和提高其早期确诊率。 - 3
Methods 36 cases of subdural hygroma beside cerebral falx were summarized, 33 cases is traumatic, 3 cases is non-traumatic. 方法总结了大脑镰旁硬膜下水瘤36例,其中外伤33例,非外伤3例。