n. 雌狐;泼妇,刁妇;唠叨的女人;坏心...
adj. 卑鄙的;邪恶的;低廉的;肮脏的
Viglen Ltd provides IT products and services, including storage systems, servers, workstations and data/voice communications equipment and services.
English will be employed at one of his companies, Viglen, which provides IT services.
BBC: The Apprentice: Stella English wins final
The judge found that Ms English was given a "real job" at Viglen, with "enormous scope for advancement and learning".
BBC: Apprentice's Stella English loses Sugar dismissal case
Viglen chief executive Bordan Tkachuk told an employment tribunal he had "no problem at all" with Stella English, from Kent.
BBC: Apprentice boss denies bullying Stella English