n. 机智,智慧
n. (苏)责难;[古]罚金 | vt. (苏)责...
... 所属州: MI 名字: Witz 姓: Tom ...
洛朗·维茨 ; 劳伦特
丹·威茨 ; 丹·维茨
And delaying any more puts implementation dangerously close to the presidential election, says Witz.
FORBES: Will We Ever Find Out What We Pay In Retirement Fees?
Witz: This comment is problematic since it requires you to make an assumption as to its application.
FORBES: Another Perspective on the Shifting 401(k) Landscape: David Witz of Fiduciary Risk Assessment LLC (March 20,2008)
Witz: Why would a plan with 15, 000 participants be easier to administer than a plan with 15 participants.