释义 |
1 ?合乎标准 ... up to the mark 达到标准,过得硬 within the mark 合乎标准,过得去 man of mark 名人,要人 ...
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On the day of the shooting, Everson said, Mark Owens flew him, along with Christopher and the scout, London Kawele, to a remote location within the park. 事发当天,马克·欧文斯驾机和艾弗森、克里斯托弗以及巡防队员伦敦?卡维勒一起去公园里的一个偏远地点。 - 2
Fresh meat. Use within two days of bringing home from the store or freeze it. Don't forget to mark the date on the wrapper! 新鲜肉类。从商店买回家两天之内食用,或者冷冻起来。不要忘记在包装上标记日期! - 3
As a mark of the company's success, Rational was purchased by IBM in 2003 and is now one of the five major brands within IBM Software Group. 作为公司成功的标记,2003年公司被ibm收购,并且现在是IBM软件集团五个主要品牌中的一个。