放弃权利 withdraw a claim; waive a right 非法持、私藏枪支、弹药罪 crime of illegally holding or hiding a firearm or ammunition 非法持有毒品罪 crim...
... waive a claim 放弃索赔 withdraw a claim 撤回索赔 claim v. 索赔,要求赔偿 ...
... waive claim 放弃要求 withdraw a claim 放弃要求 right of claim 求偿权 ...
撤回诉讼, 放弃要求 withdraw a claim 撤回 1.(招回; 命令回来) recall; withdraw 撤回步哨 withdraw the guard; 撤回代表 recall a rep .
撤消索赔 ; 裁撤索赔 ; 撤回索赔
Alaska on January 22nd said it would withdraw its suit against the Canadian fishermen, if they cancelled their counter-claim and promised never again to blockade a ferry.