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调整后的数据 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The unemployment rate for men, 11.4%, based on seasonally adjusted data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, outpaces the rate for women, 8.8%. 根据劳动统计局每个季度调整的数据表明,男性的失业率为11.4%超过女性的失业率为8.8%。 - 2
In March, the U.S. labor market finally saw some tangible job growth, with 162, 000 new jobs (seasonally adjusted), according to the Bureau of labor Statistics. 三月份,美国劳工市场终于看到了实实际际的岗位的增加,据美劳工统计局报告,三月份共有16万2千个新增岗位(经季度变动调整)。 - 3
The quantization step is adjusted through the neural network according to the statistics of the blocks, and then the watermark is embedded on the singular value of the blocks. 根据各个分块的统计特性,利用神经网络来确定的各个分块的量化步长,将水印嵌入到各个分块的奇异值。