For example, the latitude/longitude coordinates 61.44, 25.40 are presented in UTM as 35V 414668 6812844; the latitude/longitude coordinates -47.04, -73.48 are 18 G 615471 4789269 in UTM.
举例来说,使用 UTM 表示经/纬度坐标 61.44,25.40 的结果就是 35 V 414668 6812844;而 经/纬度坐标 -47.04,-73.48 的表示结果为 18 G 615471 4789269。
For example, the UTM point 35V 414668 6812844 is equivalent to the MGRS point 35VMJ1466812844.
例如,UTM 点 35 V 414668 6812844 等价于 MGRS 点 35VMJ1466812844。
The pollen abortion processes of cms-T, V and K in wheat with the same nuclear background (83 (21 ) 35 ) were studied cytologically by light microscopy.