释义 |
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France had 40 nationwide food calamities between 1500 and 1800, more than one every decade, according to the French historian Fernand Braudel. 根据法国历史学家费尔南德·布罗代尔的统计,在1500 - 1800年期间,法国发生了40次全国范围的粮灾,每十年都不止一次。 - 2
The French historian Fernand Braudel wrote that "Happiness, whether in business or private life, leaves very little trace in history." 法国历史学家布罗代尔写道:“幸福,不论是从事商业或在私人生活中,几乎没有留下历史的痕迹。” - 3
FERNAND BRAUDEL, a renowned French historian, once described a remarkable transformation in the society of ancient Mesopotamia. Fednand Braudel是一位有名的历史学家,他曾经描述过古代的美索不达米亚社会的显著转变。