释义 |
- 战争罪犯,指在战争期间或与战争有关的犯罪行为(如种族灭绝或虐待战俘)的罪犯。通常用复数形式“战争罪犯”
- 1
The usa is a hypocrisy country, It interpose other country's things, on the other hand, it's a war criminal, and it's two hands have be stained with human's lifeblood. 美国是一个伪善的国家,是一个典型的战犯,插手他国事务,双手沾满了人类的鲜血。 - 2
This raises two questions: first, the application of the ultimate penalty to mere passive responsibility, and second, the appropriateness of the "class a war criminal" designation. 由此产生了两个问题,一是最高量刑和消极责任的问题,二是甲级战犯名实是否相符的问题。 - 3
They have very high respect for a criminal Jew, who led some kind of guerilla war and was executed long ago, somewhere in Syria. 他们非常尊敬一名犹太罪犯,他指挥了某种游击战,很久以前被处死了,就在叙利亚某处。