释义 |
1 ?视频内窥镜 字典,英汉信息大词典,allocation,all... ... video memory,video memory,图象存储器 video line,video line,视频线路 video head,video head,录象头 ...
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He is good at operating video-endoscope such as painless stomach-endoscopy, hemostasia, tumour removal, taking out things and ERCP. 特别是擅长电子胃肠镜操作、诊断和治疗,包括无痛胃肠镜诊疗、内镜止血、息肉肿瘤高频电切、内镜下取异物、ERCP等。 - 2
An endoscope (which contains a surgical light and small camera) is placed through the tube, allowing the surgeon to view the annulus, disc, and epidural space on a video monitor. 经工作套管放置内镜(它带有手术光源和小摄像机),允许外科医生通过视频屏幕观察纤维环、椎间盘、硬膜外间隙。 - 3
This paper introduces the study, principle and implementation of a practical system of video image capture and processing for industry electronic endoscope. 工业内窥镜视频图象采集系统,是通过专用的视频图像采集卡将内窥镜图像输入计算机,并实现了视频图象的实时显示、处理和保存。