释义 |
1 ?维多利亚谷 维多利亚谷 (Victoria Valley), 7140 埃伦代尔 (Ellendale), 7140
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Steve Webber, the winemaker at De Bortoli, a family winery in the Yarra Valley of Victoria, argues that Australia can no longer hope to compete on price alone. 维多利亚州雅拉河谷的家族酿酒厂De Bortoli的Steve Webber也认为,澳洲再也不能寄希望于只靠低价竞争了。 - 2
Based in the king Valley in North East Victoria, the Heathcote family has been growing grapes and making wine for almost twenty years. 在澳洲维多利亚省东北部的国王流域中,其家族特许的种植葡萄方式与制酒历史已近有二十年经验。 - 3
More than 30 fires spread from Horsham, in western Victoria, to the Latrobe Valley in the east, burning out 360,000 hectares (868,000 acres). 超过30股大火从维多利亚西部的霍舌姆向东部的拉特罗布山谷蔓延,已经烧掉了360,000公顷(868 000 英亩)森林。