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Magnolia Picture's Man on Wire, the 2009 Oscar-winning documentary that has been showered with critical praise and global film awards, is among the first titles to be offered for purchase in HD on VUDU, along with critically acclaimed Transsiberian and War, Inc. from FirstLook Studios. ENGADGET: VUDU first on-demand service to sell HD and HDX movies HD - 2.
Magnolia Picture's Man on Wire, which just so happened to take home an Oscar this year, is in that group of 50 along with FirstLook Studios' Transsiberian and War, Inc.. Better still, VUDU intends to make future releases available for purchase day-and-date with the DVD release, and we can only hope that major studios get with the program and follow suit. ENGADGET: VUDU first on-demand service to sell HD and HDX movies HD