释义 |
- 运输机器:一种用于运输货物或人员的设备,如汽车、火车、飞机等。
1 ?输送机 ...备的应用(4)按照装卸搬运的流程作业(5)应对装卸设备的常见故障 叉车(Forklift) 吊车(Crane) 输送机(Transport Machine) 搬运(Handing/Carrying) 装卸(Loading and Unloading) 垂直装卸法(Handling of Vertical) 水平装卸法(Level Loading an... 2 ?运输工具 运输工具: transport machine; means of ..
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It can be widely used to drive all kinds of machine equipments like machine tool, pump, fan, compressor, transport machine, agriculture machine, food machine and so on. 该系列电动机可广泛适用于驱动各种机械设备,如:机床、泵、风机、压缩机、运输机械、农业机械、食品机械等。 - 2
The current production equipment is composed by flour-massage machine, skin and sliver machine, deep-fly machine, sprinkle-sugar and mix machine, planish machine and diced transport machine. 流水线设备是由和粉机、制皮切条机、油炸机、喷糖搅拌机、压平机及切块输送机等组成。 - 3
The machine was designed to be used in places like transport stations, airports and places of interest where quick and exact announcements are needed most. 这种机器被设计用于最需要快速且准确的公告的地方,如运输站、机场和名胜古迹。