释义 |
1 ?运积土 否分为残留表土(Residual Soil)及运积土(Transported Soil)两种,其中运积土 根据搬运方式可再细分各种土壤如表所示,并分述如下: 2 ?移积土壤 ... transported soil 运积土 ; 漂质土壤 ; 还积土 ; 移积土壤 transported sand 水携带的砂子 transported goods 货运 ... 3 ?还积土 ... transported soil 运积土 ; 漂质土壤 ; 还积土 ; 移积土壤 transported sand 水携带的砂子 transported goods 货运 ... 4 ?漂质土壤 ... transported soil 运积土 ; 漂质土壤 ; 还积土 ; 移积土壤 transported sand 水携带的砂子 transported goods 货运 ...
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But even mulch has its limits. Natural resource specialists point out that weeds can be transported in mulch. This is also true of soil, grain, hay and animals. 但是,地膜也有其局限性。自然资源专家指出,杂草可以在地膜里传播,还可以通过土壤,谷物,干草和动物传播。 - 2
It was then transported through the tree to the leaves, where concentrations are higher than in the twigs, trunk or surface soil. 被树根吸取的金子被输送到枝干和叶子中,金子在叶子中的密集度比在树枝、树干和表层土壤中都要高。 - 3
In dredging Engineering, The underwater soil, cut and mixed with water, is usually sucked and transported to disposal area by a centrifugal slurry pumps. 在疏浚工程中,水下被挖掘的土质与水混合后,通常依靠离心泥泵抽吸并输送至排泥场。