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ultrasound,chemical effect of 超声波,化学作用的 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Five minutes of ultrasound - a technique normally associated with scanning babies in the womb - had a similar effect, an American Chemical Society conference heard. 有人在美国化学学会大会(American Chemical Society conference)上说,5分钟的超声波(一项与孕期胎儿检查有关的常用技术)作用,也有类似的效果。 - 2
The actions and effects of ultrasound on chemical reactions can be categorized as mechanical effect, thermal effect, photo effect, electrical effect as well as chemical effect. 指出超声波的作用效应主要有力学效应、热学效应、光学效应、电学效应和化学效应。 - 3
The actions and effects of ultrasound on chemical reactions can be categorized as mechanical effect, thermal effect, photo effect, electrical effect as well a... 指出超声波的作用效应主要有力学效应、热学效应、光学效应、电学效应和化学效应。