释义 |
1 ?美国帝国主义者 ... 美国帝国主义者us imperialist 美国对华政策us policy towards china/american foreign policy towards china 美国头号敌人america's principal foe ...
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And you, you need not to be so ethically imperialist that you can't work with us to open up again the canon if you will of rights in the way we talk about it and to incorporate our perspectives. 而你们呢,你们需要摒弃,那种道德帝国主义态度,也就是,你们不愿跟我们合作,不愿敞开心扉,用我们的方式去理解人权,从我们的角度去看这个问题 - 2
But the old imperialist was wrong. What he should have said was, "To be born an English - speaker..." the global rise of bad English is helping us native speakers rise. 这位老帝国主义者说错了,他应该说,“生为英语国家的人……”蹩脚的英语在全球盛行,帮助我们这些以英语为母语的人跟着得势。 - 3
At that time, the teacher talked about "54" exercise, to us, on the imperialist powers of the various Chinese bullying on young people gave their lives for the motherland at various feat. 那时,老师讲到“五四”运动,向我们讲述帝国主义列强对中国的种种欺凌,讲述青年们为祖国不惜献身的种种壮举。