... * 史蒂克勒氏综合征(Stickler syndrome) * 遗传性耳聋-色素性视网膜炎综合征(Usher syndrome) * 不定性卟啉病(Variegate porphyria ...
1型尤塞氏综合症(Usher syndrome)是导致聋盲的最常见病因,美国16,000名聋盲患者中,约有一半是由1型尤塞氏综合症引起的。
在过去的十年中,人类基因数据显示,突变的VLGR1可以导致亚瑟综合症(Usher Syndrome),其症状包含先天性的听觉丧失和渐进的视网膜炎。
When mice with Usher syndrome were injected with the "genetic patch" they grew up able to hear and had no balance problems.
BBC: Genetic patch 'stops deafness' in newborn mice
Unbeknownst to them, he had what is known as Usher Syndrome, which also causes gradual blindness due to Retinitis Pigmentosa starting at birth.
FORBES: Spencer Tracy And His Son John