释义 |
user requirements analysis 用户需求分析 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Requirements analysis of software of the three-dimensional laser scanning machine is done, including functional requirements analysis and user requirements analysis. 三维激光扫描机扫描软件的需求分析,包括功能需求分析和用户需求分析。 - 2
In this life cycle, globalization is involved in each phase of software development: user requirements, analysis and design, developing, testing, and maintenance. 在这个生命周期中,在软件开发的各个阶段都涉及到全球化:用户需求、分析和设计、开发、测试以及维护。 - 3
Along with the Suggestions here, it's wisest to read introductions to the topics of configuration management, requirements analysis, test, system administration, and user interfaces. 除了这里的建议之外,读读关于配置管理、需求分析、测试、系统管理以及用户接口等主题的介绍是最明智的做法。