释义 |
transmission identification 传输识别 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
This dissertation analyzes the antinomy between AFIS image data and transmission, clarifies the requirements of image compress, image process, image analysis and identification in the AFIS. 论文分析了AFIS图像数据与传输的矛盾,阐明了AFIS对图像数据压缩、图像预处理、图像分析与识别的需求。 - 2
NOTE Preservation can include identification, handling, packaging, storage, transmission or transportation, and protection. 注:防护可以包括:标识、搬运、包装、贮存、传输或运输、和保护。 - 3
Identification recognition, authentication and digital signature are strong methods of available security theories to secure safe transmission in network environment. 身份识别和认证以及数字签名技术是现有的安全理论中保证网络环境下信息安全传输的有力手段。