释义 |
1 ?出版者 ... 版本特性: EP 出版者: Translation Loss 介质: CD ... 2
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Translation loss refers to the loss of information, meaning, pragmatic function, cultural factor, aesthetic form and function. 翻译损失是指翻译过程中信息、意义、语用功能、文化因素、审美形式及其功能的丧失。 - 2
Translators confined to this way, despite their debates on form, meaning and sound, share a common notion that a compromise should be made to balance the loss and gain through translation. 此类译文的译者尽管在如何处理原文的音、形、意上以上意见不同,但是都一致认为翻译就是在得失之间相互妥协,以求平衡。 - 3
Differences between source and target languages in terms of language, culture and way of thinking may lead to inevitable loss of translation in general, and classics translation in particular. 由于源语与目的语之间存在语言、文化和思维方式的差异,任何翻译从整体而论都难免发生损失,尤其以典籍翻译为甚。