释义 |
1 ?递移机率 ... 递移矩阵 transition probability 递移机率 transitory income 停运权 translation ... 2 ?不定收入 ... transfer income 转让收入 transitory income 不定收入, 暂时收入 unappropriated income 收入未分配数 ...
- 1
Telling rich people that we'll keep their taxes low for a couple more years is, for them, a transitory income gain; they'll save the bulk of it. 告诉富人们我们这一两年会少征他们的税,这对他们来说,这就是一笔临时性收入所得;他们会将其中大部分存起来。 - 2
Those with a higher permanent income (education, household assets) are more likely to have a computer at home, but there is no effect of transitory income (unemployment). 那些有相对高永久收入(教育,家庭资产)的居民家中更可能拥有电脑,但是暂时性收入(失业)并不产生影响。 - 3
When gauging the amount of inequality, why do transitory and life cycle variations in income cause difficulties? 在判断收入不平等时,为何收入短期变动和在整个生命周期变动,引起一些困难。