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您要找的是不是: eeradv. 曾经;无论何时 | abbr. 能量效率比(... - abstract:
1 Xeer, pronounced , is the polycentric legal system of Somalia. Under this system, elders serve as judges and help mediate cases using precedents.
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The Xeer is most intact in the north of Somalia, which was underBritish rule; in the south, the Italians tried to eradicate it. 赫尔法在先前英国殖民统治下的索马里北部保存的尤其完整;而在南部,意大利人则试图根除这种人们的这种习俗。 - 2
The fact that Somali legal terminology is practically devoid of loanwords from foreign languages suggests that the Xeer is truly indigenous. 索马里法律的专门术语完全没有外来词的这一事实暗示了赫尔法是一颗真正意义上土生土长的果实。 - 3
Also, it should be noted, since the law and crime are defined in terms ofproperty rights, the Xeer is unequivocal in its opposition to any form oftaxation. 同时需要被提到的,是由于法律和罪行都由财产权利所定义,赫尔法明确反对任何形式的征税。