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x位 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
While this makes some economic sense for a device that plays high-definition movies, it can be a bit frustrating to need special permission to view your X desktop. 虽然这种做法是为了保护高清晰电影,但是查看x桌面也需要特殊许可还是有点讨厌。 - 2
Though such topics are less provocative these days, the annual X-Show, which is in its ninth year, might still be a bit edgy, even if largely subdued by the standards of such events in the West. 尽管这些话题在当今并不敏感,一年一度的第九届“x”展示会还是会引起一些骚动。可要按西方的标准来说,这样的展示会都不值得一看。 - 3
Now what I want to find,actually, V is what are these two vectors, let's call them U and V, that correspond to moving a bit in the x direction or in the y direction? 现在我实际上想知道的是,这两个向量是什么,我们称它们为,U和,两者对应的是x方向和y方向一点位移?