释义 |
. 25 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
They go back to this formula. If you sold it after five years, then there are twenty-five years left, so 25 x 12 is the number of months left; they plug that into this formula. 如果五年后卖掉房子,他们又搬出公式,此时剩余期限是20五年,所以剩余月份数是25乘以12,把月份数代入这个公式 - 2
The 1-x will climb about 40km (25 miles) into the sky during the powered phase of its flight, continuously measuring vehicle aerodynamics, controls and performance of the rocket's first stage. 战神一号X型将上升到约40公里(约25英里)的高空,在其动力飞行阶段,将不间断地对其运载空气动力学指标、火箭的第一阶段的控制和表现进行测量。 - 3
A 25 cm x 17.5 cm cardboard cover design. (by Zoopress studio)