...学等),或者产生于生物学(如一般生命系统 理论、超循环理论等),或者产生于数学如莫萨洛维克(Mesorovic),怀莫尔(Wymore) 等人的一般系统论,或者产生于社会科学(如投入产出经济学、经济控制论等),或 者产生于多学科交叉领域(如运筹学、混沌动力学...
... 所属州: AR 名字: Wymore 姓: Tom ...
帕特里斯·怀摩 ; 特里斯·怀摩 ; 帕翠丝·怀默
Even Mel Wymore, chairman of Community Board 7, was unaware of the shop closing.
WSJ: H&H Bagels Store Lox Its Doors
Then we went to the nearby office of his lawyer, Mary Ann Wymore.
WSJ: Best of the Web Today: See You in the Funny Papers
We phoned Mary Ann Wymore, Ron Bell's former lawyer, and told her we wanted to move ahead and find legal representation.