...点45分至4点30分 下午1点45分:蕾德芬公园战争纪念馆(Redfern Park War Memorial)《欢迎来到这片土地》(Welcome to Country)及献花仪式 下午2点:行军队伍从蕾德芬公园出发,途经劳森街和艾佛立大街(Eveleigh streets),最终到达蕾德芬社区中心(Redfer...
The ability to visit a foreign country without the cost and hassle of obtaining a visa is a welcome bonus for any traveller.
Well, at that moment a cab appeared so we declined, but you see the point: this is a country where people welcome foreigners and where women are comfortable going up to strangers to offer help.
Let me extend my very warm welcometo all of you as we begin this sixth global meeting of heads of WHO country offices.