医疗_健康_保健_疾病_ppt文档知识 - Part 488 力的不平衡和患侧肢体的挛缩,常易导致在站立时的不稳定.本实验的目的即是借由患者两脚足底压力值的变化,来探讨全身性震动(Whole body vibration, WBV)运动训练对于降低患侧肢体肌肉挛缩及平衡两足足底压力分布的效用.本实验受试者共九位中风病患(5 位男性
Some important concepts to comprehension and practice in International StandardISO2631 "Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-bodyVibration" (1985 e) are not perfection and unity yet in the world.
The comprehensive effects of the voice, light and the vibration of the whole helicopter body make the simulating shooting effect of the model helicopter be very realistic.
Conclusion Wholebodyvibration is effective in countermining bone loss. It has a broad prospect in treating osteoporosis and counteracting bone loss caused by weightlessness.