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惠特尼年轻 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
She attended Whitney Young, Chicago's first magnet high school, where she was student council treasurer, a member of the National honor Society and a four-year honor roll student. 她曾就读于芝加哥第一所精英高中——惠特尼杨高中。她当时是学生会的会计、国家荣誉协会成员,而且连续四年都是三好学生。 - 2
She attended Whitney Young, Chicago's first magnet high school, where she was student council treasurer, a member of the National Honor Society and a four-year honor roll student. 她当时是学生会的会计、国家荣誉协会成员,而且连续四年都是三好学生。 - 3
She had attended Bryn Mawr Public Elementary School, gotten into Whitney Young Magnet School, and followed her brother to Princeton, where he had been a star on the basketball team. 米歇尔读的是布林莫尔公立小学,惠特尼杨精英中学,而且追随他的兄长读的普林斯顿大学,他的哥哥是学校篮球队的明星。