abbr. 富兰克林·德兰诺·罗斯福(美国第三...
加装磁带式飞行记录器(UFDR)和固态式飞行记录器(SSFDR) 的飞机占到中国民航机群90%以上。
...于靶组织内,通过瞬态高温效应(50℃以上)、空化效应、机械效应等机制,造成超声聚焦损伤区域(ultrasonic focaldamage region,UFDR)内的靶组织可逆性损伤和(或)坏死[1-3],达到无创治疗肿瘤的目的。
The UFDR rebels say they are fighting against corruption and mismanagement under President Francois Bozize, who seized power in a 2003 coup.
BBC: NEWS | Africa | French planes attack CAR rebels
The government says the Union of Democratic Forces for Unity (UFDR) rebels are operating from Darfur with the support of the Sudanese authorities.