释义 |
1 ?沃勒变性 ... Wallenbergss syndrome 瓦伦贝格综合症瓦伦贝格征候 Wallerian degeneration 沃勒变性 Wallerian law 沃勒定律 ... 2 ?组织工程 ...胞增殖研究 关键词】 雪旺细胞 Wallerian变性 人工神经 组织工程 [gap=1342]Key words: Schwann cell; Wallerian degeneration; artificial nerve; tissue engineering ... 3 ?瓦勒变性 瓦勒变性(wallerian degeneration)是毁伤点以下神经的病理过程,近侧端仅限于短距离1~2 或3~4个郎飞结节的变性。 4 ?瓦勒氏变性 正 一、周围神经病的基本病理改变(一)瓦勒氏变性(wallerian degeneration):当神经纤维切断后,远端部分在2~3小时内出现改变,雪兰氏裂隙增宽,24小时髓鞘变 ..
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Wallerian degeneration is named after Augustus Volney Waller. - 2
Cerebral infarctions can be accompanied by Wallerian degeneration of descending tracts, as shown here at high power in the brainstem. - 3
In recent years, there were many experimental reports about pathophysiological process of Wallerian degeneration after cerebral infarction, but these studies lacked visibility. 近年来许多学者通过动物实验研究脑梗死后沃勒变性的病理生理过程,但缺乏可视性。