释义 |
1 ?前后左右颠簸 ... say turkey to one and buzzard to another 厚此薄彼 walk turkey 前后左右颠簸... go cold turkey 是指放弃了很久以来的...
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Through the window, we saw her walk past the turkey, straight to the flowers. - 2
But in 2004, five of 19 siblings in a remote village in southern Turkey were found to walk on their feet and hands, the first human quadrupeds. 然而,在2004年,在土耳其南部的一个偏远的村子里,19个兄弟姐妹中有5个孩子用四肢走路,这是首例发现人类四肢行走。 - 3
One of the members of the Ulas family, from Turkey, some of whom walk on all fours. 乌纳塔恩家族的一名成员,来自土耳其,他们中的一些人四肢着地走路。