释义 |
1 ?尾流捕捉 2.5.2有关尾流捕捉(wake capture)的思考 2.6本章小结 2 ?尾流捕获 ...tion) 不马格纳斯 效应 (Magnus effect) 相似 7 ,可通过马格纳斯效应 11 来解释翅旋转时升力的产生 ; ③尾流捕获 (wake capture) 是由于昆虫飞行速度较慢 ,在翅转动时可获得一部分上周期产生的气流 ,从而增加了上升力. 3 ?尾迹捕捉 ...yed stall)、尾迹捕捉(wake capture)、旋转环量升力的三个因素:不失速机¥'l(delayed stal】)、尾迹捕捉(wake capture)、旋转环量 第一章绪论(rotational circulation)。
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As I said, everyone benefits. The economic times force us all to do the smart move now and capture this sleeping market. The wake up call is upon us! 正如我所说的,大家都将受益。经济时代迫使我们都这样做明智之举现在抓住这个睡觉市场。该叫醒是我们! - 2
Now, you can capture all those great ideas that seem to "vanish into thin air" when you wake up. 现在,你就可以在早晨醒来的时候捕捉到任何一个将要“消失在空气中”的想法。 - 3
Within just a few years, the Internet could capture 5% of America's retail market, with other rich countries likely to follow in its wake. 几年之后,美国5%的零售市场将被网络占据,其他一些富裕的国家也会紧随其后。