释义 |
- n.油管博主:在YouTube平台上制作和发布视频内容的人,通常具有一定的粉丝群体。
1 ?油管主播 “油管主播”(YouTubers)也是此次进入《牛津英语词典》的新词汇,词典把这个词定义为“频繁使用视频分享网站YouTube的人,特别是指那些制作YouTube视频上... 2 ?中文字幕 【小牧】CLANNAD人物性别转换 [一鸣搬运]Pewdiepie - 性别转换Youtubers (中文字幕) 尾田亲绘「海贼性别大转换 [性别转换]凉宫春日(男)篇 【鸭鸭解说】口袋妖怪银魂通关攻略(闯关东!!
- 1
YouTubers, defined as frequent user of the video-sharing website YouTube, especially someone who produces and appears in videos on the site is included in the dictionary for the first time. (油管人)首次被纳入词典,指频繁使用视频分享网站YouTube(油管)的用户,特别是自己制作视频并且出镜的人们。 - 2
The poll, which included TV personalities, film stars, musicians, sportsmen and YouTubers, balloted for by 80,000 of the magazine's readers showed they found men with beards more attractive. 这一榜单的候选人包括电视名人、电影明星、音乐人、运动员和油管人,经该杂志8万读者投票选出,结果显示,人们认为留胡须的男性更有魅力。 - 3
The poll, which included TV personalities, film stars, musicians, sportsmen and YouTubers, was voted for by 80,000 of the magazine's readers showed they found men with beards more attractive. 这一榜单的候选人包括电视名人、电影明星、音乐人、运动员和油管人,经该杂志8万读者投票选出,结果显示,人们认为留胡须的男性更有魅力。