释义 |
1 ?事务处理 cong hoa xa hoi chu nghia viet nam ? 丛HOA XA海珠义越南 transacted ? 事务处理 When I close my eyes, I just feel sadness around me ~ ? 当我闭上眼睛时,我觉得在我周围的悲伤 ~ .. 2 ?办理 interact ? 交互 transacted ? (动) 办理, 处理; 作交易, 谈判 .. 3 ?作交易 interact ? 交互 transacted ? (动) 办理, 处理; 作交易, 谈判 .. 4 ?被办理的 ... tranquilly = 平静 transact = 办理 transacted = 被办理的 ...
- 1
We are pleased to have transacted our first act of business with your f.mp3. - 2
The meeting was very formal, as though important business were being transacted. - 3
There are a total of 90,000 messages that get transacted throughout this process.