释义 |
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A native of England, Roger Bacon was a friar and scholar in many academic areas, including mathematics, early chemistry and optics. 罗吉尔·培根,英国人,既是一名修道士,也在包括数学、化学和光学的很多领域内成为学者。 - 2
Roger Bacon, a monk, was one of the earliest advocates of scientific research. 罗杰·培根是一个僧侣,他是最早主张对科学进行研究的人之一。 - 3
If in computer science we should arrive at certainty without doubt and truth without error, it behooves us to place the foundations of it in mathematics. - Roger Bacon. 要使计算机科学的内容准确无疑和真实无误,就应当将数学作为它的基础。-罗杰·培根。